So here is the battle over Christmas vacation where I got my blue power-armored buttocks devoured by my friend Steve's (of wrote the Powerborne: Book One of the Zarryostrom fame-great read, get your copy at while they last) bugs.
Basic setup is the city of Gorkopolis, infamous for getting ransacked at the drop of a hat (town theme song forthcoming) the scifi sister city to Tubbleheim which frequently suffers a similar fate in Warhammer. End of the world of the week; Tyranids. Since it's late and I'm tired, what you see is pretty much wysiwyg only the Razorbacks had Heavy Bolters.
Deployment (notice the spffy turn counter there in Central Gorkopolis Park)
My setup (make not of the tactical squad to the right, sitting all happy on the flank-that will come up later SPOILER ALERT-it does not end well).
Steve's setup:
The panoramic vew of Steve's setup:
Turn 1: Steve Wins Initiative
Kiss one Dreadnaught and Razorback goodbye in return for a wound on a hive guard or something lame like that.
Turn 2: Shrikes Advance
Marneus Calgar runs into Hand to Hand. I fail to wound Zoanthropes with lascannons and oh by the way does anyone else remember that Marne can call down ordinance fire 'cuz apparently he forgot.
Turn 3: Marne takes out a Hive Guard. There goes the other Razorback (which will make great cover for the shrikes by the way) and the hive tyrant decides Marne is going to get the bonesword. Also, guess who else shows up for the part? Genestealers! Remember the Tac squad I mentioned earlier? Gone of course. My counterattack units rally and whittle the genestealers down (yeah, taking a flamer paid off for once). Oh and Marne bites it.
Turn 4 The shrikes take out the devastator squad, and guess who was close enough to get get demolished by the genestealers? Yeah, the coutnerattack force who subsequently wipes them and the remaining tac squad out. The last of the devastators get taken out by the hive tyrant and it is all over except the digestion.
Errors on my part; putting the Razorbacks too far ahead. They worked against me as cover once taken out. Second, placing the Tac squad within charge distance of the flank. Third, placing the counterattack force within charge distance of the flank after demolishing the first group.
It was a fun game and playing with two fully painted armies on fully painted terrain was worth the embarassing loss.
I made up for it by a crushing victory against our friend Jon's Necrons the next day but of course I forgot to take picutres of that. Bummer.