FtW Bloggers Group

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hydras, Lemons, and Lemonade

This latest project came about a little strangely.
I wanted another Hydra from my IG army so I asked a buddy to pick me up one at Games Day (because apparently that's all they went there to do was buy Forge World stuff). He did and we sat down at our usual Wednesday game night. This one came with the old Chimera Chassis (which the majority of my units are) but I already had one from a defunct Griffon project so I was going to use that one. Instead I absentmindedly assembled the chassis to include adding the cupola to the front. By the time I realized what I had done it was too late to take of the cupola without damaging the model so I decided, what the heck, I'd scratchbuild a third Hydra for a full Squadron of 3. Although I still need to add copious rivets and a lot of detail to the sides of the guns, to include the ammo feeds, here is my progress so far:







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