FtW Bloggers Group

Saturday, June 25, 2016

June 2016: Space Wolves, Orks, and a Lovely Couple I Met the Other Day

We start with my son's Space Wolves. His collection is growing nicely, especially considering they are repaints from traded figs.

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Next we have the last of the Stormclaw figures which means the boxed sets I purchased in 2015 are now all up to date for all practical intents and purposes. We start with this nice trio of chaps who just want to give you a big hug.

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Then there is Mister Storm Claw himself, whatever his name is. Truth is I really don't play Orks, I just like painting and converting them.

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Five of his closest Nobs.
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Some much-needed Boyz. I really only have about 35 or so; nowhere near enough for a true Ork army.
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A Runtherd and his charge.
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And lastly this bartender and his hab-wife. I plan on using them as part of my innocent bystanders collection.
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