FtW Bloggers Group

Monday, December 29, 2014

Two Last Pieces and Year End Roundup

In an effort to clear out some stuff for the move and to help my FLGS, here are two last pieces of line of sight blocking terrain I did up:

 photo 5E2A5931-8BD7-4159-8A56-BFA6023A1487_zpsicsk7qcv.jpg

Bringing this year's total to:

Figures: 192
Terrain: 41
Vehicles: 14

Down from last year but considering it involved a three month hiatus of major projects I am content.

The big winner was my friend Owen that I did a boatload of D&D, plus some gift figures for. Followed by Ultras (no suprise), Ultramarines (my only "complete" army), and then a smattering of Chaos and Imperial Guard, er Astra Militarum. In zero place are my poor Eldar and Necrons (although at least the Necrons got played this year). Somewhere in there was terrain which got used quite a bit, although not always by me. I also knocked out a couple things I had been wanting to get done; the Vulture, the barrels, and the Mantic Terrain so pleased to get them done.

For next year I have a bunch of Ultras (no suprise) but I want to focus on Horus Heresy Ultras, an entire new airforce for the Ultras, then catch up some Eldar, Necrons and some huge projects I have been sitting on for a few years. For the next coupe of weeks I should be moving but until then Happy New Year to you all.

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