After spending a month in lovely Las Cruces, NM for work I have accomplished the following:
Finished off my Dark Angels:
(24 GW figs)
Did up some RPG figures for a friend of mine:
(40 random figs-One figure is missing from the picture because I had to re-do his base)
And snuck in some other figs for him that had been given to me (that I was never going to use-great way to pass it forward).
(24 more figs)
Lessons learned:
I hate the Bones figs. They are inexpensive and I recognize the attraction of that. They are great if just having figs on the table is what is important to you. Painting them is a pain in the neck and a lot of detail on them was lost. In essence, you are getting what you paid for. If they are what you want to use, more power to you but I did not like how they came out. There is a universal "mushiness" (I can't describe it better than that) and they are extremely soft. Again, not trying to talk anyone else out of buying them but just not for me.
What is 25mm has shifted but so has the quality of the figures. Some of the guys dated back to the 80's and early 90's and it was fun seeing the cultural influences on them.
I have no real conception of skin tone. My friend gave me a painting guide but I had to look up many of his descriptions on the internet. Don't get me wrong-I'm not complaining at all. It was great to research what he was looking for and try to recreate it. I hope my work was close to what he was looking for.
Next up in the hopper is a couple of Ultramarine special weapons guys and my Legion of the Damned.