Favra heard movement all around him. He did his best to control his breath despite pain shooting through him. The bleeding seemed to have stopped. He knew he was being hunted, but by whom?
Ghaskin clenched the vox handset and spoke through gritted teeth, "I don't care who you send! Send them now! This failure will not go unpunished!" Little did the cultist on the other end know that Ghaskin was referring to himself. He would, however, be more than willing to share in his failure.
The door slammed open and in rushed the surviving members of the Arbites patrol sent to investigate the generatorum. Mac looked at scribner Jessen and Louk. "You two-come with me." They looked at each other confused. "NOW!" he screamed. The flinched then shot up and followed him. Rabbit came in dragging adept Gajen from motor pool where he had been conducting layman approved maintenance on the Rhino. Behind them walked Osiren, the senior laymen of the two. It was still out of commission until a tech priest could be called in. He leg go of the lad and walked over to a weapons locker, keying in the sacred release canticle on the pad. It opened revealing some laspistols. He thrust them into the hands of three young men. He also found a flamer. Excellent.
"Not enough," Carl declared and walked into the back room. In the holding cell were two men. One was large, half dressed with bulging muscles. He sat on his bunk, arms crossed looking angry. The other was bearded with a knit hat and heavier weight clothes. This one was distinctly hung over. Carl was pretty sure that one, if not both, were deathmarked. He didn't care. He kicked the cage with his steel toed boot quickly getting their attention. "Here's the deal," he said.
Rabbit waved impatiently for the newly deputized men to go. Louk, paused, "One moment!" he said and reached into his desk. He pulled out his treasured combat knife. Today was going to be the best day ever!
Both groups spilled into the buildings next to the generatorum. The area was a series of abandoned habs ruins with some ancient munitorum containers rusting away. Ghaskin scrambled up on top of the high ruins in the middle to better direct the search. His men were spreading out to his left and right when he movement caught his eye. The Arbites were back! This was his chance at redemption.
Jiock shook his buzzing head to clear it and cursed his luck. He creeped up the left flank with the overeager Vox scribe Louk in tow. The kid sprinted past him to a container where this downed arbites might be hiding.
On the right flank, Scribner Jessen nervously moved next to Fabius. He hoped the larger man with his lasrifle would draw fire. Rabbit sprinted past them to investigate a space between two crates.
Carl held back and let the two laymen, Osiren with his flamer, and Gajen, shakily holding the laspistol, move forward to a corner in the ruins where an Arbites might hide. Right behind them was Mac. Stood next to a large pile of trash and scanned the scene. Sure enough he caught a flash of movement!
Groust with his inhuman speed rushed forward and into the face of Mac who was unable to react. Behind him a cultist ran into the ruins, beating Gajen and Osiren.
The cultist with the heavy stubber opened fire on Rabbit. The shots went wide and he shot back, missing. However, the cultist with a flamer opened up, the pile of barrels offering him no protection and the flames surrounded him.
On the other side, two cultists with rifle traded shots with Louk but the lad was unscathed. Gajen snapped a shot at the cultist in the building in front of him but missed. Osiren attempted to bathe the heretic in flame but his miner armor protected him although it was clear it had been wounded. The fiend returned fire, injuring the young man but he was still fighting. Another cultist with an autogun hit Osiren. The round dug into his unarmored flesh and he too was injured not down.
Mac was not as lucky-the acid maw of the genestealer tore through his armor and he was down. The creature sprinted towards Carl.

Carl, looked to his right and suddenly there was Favra! Carl was about to greet his teammage when a purple blur of claws tackled Favra. The arbites got a shot off, striking the foul thing but its unnatural armor protected it!
The cultist Jessen shot at rushed him! He tried to got a shot off but missed.
The cultist with the flamer moved forward cautiously. Seeing what the flamer had done to a more armored foe, Jessen and Fabius shifted back but still traded shots while dodging heavy stubber fire.
Ghaskin moved forward along the roof top. He knew the man with the flamer would try to take him out so he fought fire with fire and opened up with his hand flamer. The flames met flesh and the man was down. Truly the Star Gods were with him!
Louk, filled with the righteous glory of the God Emperor's will climbed on top of the munitorum container. A cultist was shooting at him from a ruined balcony and Jiock yelled for him to take cover while trading fire with another cultist armed with an autogun. Louk ignored him as his attention was drawn to the multi-armed thing on top of the ruins that had just flamed his friend, well, valued co-worker! He lined up his pistol and took the shot.
Ghaskin screamed out in pain as the las round hit him in the gut. Slipping in his own blood he fell and lost consciousness. The cultists' leader was down!
Enraged, Groust tore into Arbites that had escaped him previously and the man's armor was not sufficient protection for the acid he spat forth. A second Arbites was down. Two to go.
Meanwhile, Gajen and the cultist flailed at each other. Jessen screamed, "Not the face!" as the cultist, distracted by his leader's seeming demise was unable to connect.

Carl, seeing what happened to Favra shifted back and the genestealer fell short.
Louk, starting looking over to the xenos filth rushing the Arbites and decided there was more glory there. Jiock, moved back towards the corner for his own reasons.
Fabian and Jessen both took wounds and one after another succomed to panic as the cultists closed in.
The cutist facing Gajen shot him with his pistol, laying him low. Meanwhile, the cultist with the mining laser, lining up the device, spotted Jiock through a narrow break in the ruins. It was an almost impossible shot but he fired-striking the man center mass and killing him!
Carl looked around and saw that the young scribe with the really big knife was the only other man standing. The pragmatist, he knew there was no turning this around. Someone had to get work back. It was going to be him. He grabbed the young man by the scruff of the neck and tossed a frag grenade into the open to distract the others and fled.

Ghasken awakened to pain. The medico standing over him looked him up and down once, admiring his own work then backed off, bowing to an unseen figure.
From the shadows the Magus stepped forth. Fear clenched Ghasken's stomach but the Magus smiled. "You have redeemed yourself. All but one of the Arbites has been captured or killed. Even now their leader is being inducted into our numbers. Rest."
Author's Note: The second of our narrative Kill Team campaing and it was a blast. I must apologize for the lousy picures. Being new to using this phone to post pictures I did not realize that iPhone's stupid Live feature would jack it up so badly. I have found out how to disable it so I'm hoping the next game's pictures turn out better. Again, I am putting this battle report together several days after the fact so events may have changed to fit my memory. Young Louk, however, did in fact take out the leader with his pistol. I am wondering if we will be seeing more of the lad.