So the story so far; I previously avoided putting out personal information due to the "OpSec" nature of my old job. However, essentially on the 1st of July I retired form 24 years in the Marine Corps as a Major. It has been a long and wacky (not something one usually associates with the Marines) road and although there are elements I am sad to see go, both the Marine Corps and I feel I am ready to move on. It was an amicable divorce-we'll still see each other on the holidays and such. It's not that we don't love each other, we are just not in love with each other.
So what does this mean? Essentially my pay gets cut to less than half (still an excellent reirement plan-no complaints) and I have to get a real job. Which I have. Sort of. In essence I am in training to be a financial advisor. Which is great except there are four tests you have to take, The State Licensig Exam, The Series 6, The Series 63, and the dreaded Series 65. I am all the way up to the Series 65 but to start work in August I need to pass it by July 15th which is touch and go. Needless to say this is my number one priority right now so once again all my projects have gone on the back burner. Pass or fail (if I fail I have to wait a full month to retake it) I will have more time for projects after that so fingers crossed.
I have finishing Da Ork Dynasty as my top priority, then a Scorpius Whirlwind tank for my own vanity, then after that a bunch of small projects to start working on but I will get to them when I get to them.
Until then I wish you all smooth brushes and clean paint water.